Vive is an interrelated beekeeping service and beehive system that aims to educate new beekeepers and remedy gaps between knowledge and application. Currently, the hive component of the Vive system is in use at Stratford Ecological Center apiary in Delaware, Ohio. Bees thrive in this hive, achieving my goal to create a project that would be useful, usable, and beautiful. Stratford Ecological Center conducts a standards-based life sciences program, Messages from the Earth, for 5th grade classes in the Franklin, Delaware, and Licking school districts. The Vive Hive aids in educating 7,000-10,000 students per year about the importance of bees in our ecosystem.
This project earned Special Mention in the student category of BraunPrize 2018 and was on display at the BraunPrize Exhibition in Kronberg, Germany in September, 2018.